Rabu, 08 Desember 2010


SELASA : 21 MARET 2006
Jam : 14.00-17.00

Ujian ini terdiri dari dua bagian (Bagian I dan Bagian II)
Jawab seluruhnya 8 (delapan) pertanyaan pada Bagian I (bobot 25%)
Jawab 4 (empat) pertanyaan pada Bagian II (bobot 75%)
Waktu yang tersedia 3 (tiga) jam


Jawab seluruhnya DELAPAN pertanyaan pada bagian ini.
Seluruh pertanyaan memiliki bobot yang sama (equal marks).
Dianjurkan menggunakan waktu max. 45 menit untuk mengerjakan Bagian I.

1. IT system sangat berperan untuk mendukung strategi yang diterapkan, uraikan manfaat yang akan dicapai dengan Networking System.
2. Uraikan informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam risk assessment asuransi property rumah tinggal.
3. Untuk penutupan gedung, harga pertanggungan didasarkan pada biaya pembangunan kembali (rebuilding cost), uraikan 4 (empat) faktor yang terkait dengan rebuilding cost of property.
4. Dalam kaitan dengan household insurance (building), uraikan jaminan yang diberikan dalam temporary accommodation and loss of rent section
5. Uraikan apa yang dimaksud dengan unspecified items dalam personal possessions policy
6. Uraikan definisi permanent total disablement
7. Uraikan 3 (tiga) opsi utama dalam pembayaran santunan private medical insurance
8. Dalam kaitan dengan prosedur klaim, uraikan 2 (dua) opsi dalam penyelesaian klaim bangunan.


Jawab EMPAT dari ENAM pertanyaan pada bagian ini.
Seluruh pertanyaan memiliki bobot yang sama (equal marks)

9. Dalam kaitan dengan personal accident insurance, jelaskan 4 (empat) pengelompokan utama dalam menetapkan perhitungan premi.

10. Dalam prosedur klaim terdapat specific claims condition, jelaskan bagaimana kondisi tersebut diberlakukan pada :
a. Building
b. Contents
c. Personal Possessions

11. Dalam kaitan dengan market place, distribution channels merupakan komponen penting bagi perusahaan asuransi. Jelaskan channel of distrution yang dipergunakan dalam perusahaan asuransi.

12. Subsidence merupakan salah satu bagian dalam household insurance (building). Untuk melakukan analisa atas risk exposure, seorang underwriter memerlukan laporan structural enginers dari objek yang dipertanggungkan . Jelaskan informasi-informasi yang diperlukan dalam analisa dimaksud.

13. Salah satu bagian dalam personal insurance product adalah permanent health insurance. Jelaskan luas jaminan yang biasanya diterapkan dalam permanent health insurance tersebut

14. Dalam kaitan dengan legal liabilities of a private individuals, jelaskan sources of legal liability for private individuals.



 Ujian terdiri dari dua bagian (Bagian I dan Bagian II)
 Jawab seluruhnya 8 (delapan) pertanyaan pada Bagian I (bobot 25%)
 Jawab 4 (empat) pertanyaan pada Bagian II (bobot 75%)
 Waktu yang tersedia 3 (tiga) jam


Jawaban harus mencakup namun tidak terbatas pada butir-butir jawaban yang disarankan dibawah ini.

Bobot nilai Bagian I adalah = Total bobot bagian I dibagi 8 dikali 25 %

Buku referensi : Coursebook 760 : Personal Insurance – The Chartered Insurance Institute, 2001

1. IT system sangat berperan untuk mendukung strategi yang diterapkan, uraikan manfaat yang akan dicapai dengan Networking System. (Ref : Chapter …)
Jawaban yang disarankan :
- Menambah saluran distribusi
- Pengiriman yang lebih efektif tentang strategi perantaraan
- Pencapaian yang lebih baik tentang standar pelayanan

2. Uraikan informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam risk assessment asuransi property rumah tinggal. (Ref : Chapter …)

Jawaban yang disarankan :
- Type dari property : apakah rumah, bungalow atau flat ?
- Apakah terpisah, semi terpisah atau petak
- Bahan yang digunakan dalam pembangunan seperti : batu bata, batu beton, dll
- Type atap seperti : batu tulis, genteng, logam, beton, jerami atau flat felt roof.

3. Untuk penutupan gedung, harga pertanggungan didasarkan pada biaya pembangunan kembali (rebuilding cost), uraikan 4 (empat) faktor yang terkait dengan rebuilding cost of property. (Ref : Chapter …)

Jawaban yang disarankan :
a. Geographical area
b. Material yang digunakan dalam pembangunan
c. Jenis property : town house, semi terpisah atau mansion
d. Umum dan ukuran dari property

4. Dalam kaitan dengan household insurance (building), uraikan jaminan yang diberikan dalam temporary accommodation and loss of rent section. (Ref : Chapter …)

Jawaban yang disarankan :
a. Semua kebutuhan biaya yang wajar tersedia untuk dibandingkan dengan bantuan alternative untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan binatang piaraan
b. Kehilangan uang sewa dari penyewa bila rumah tidak bisa ditempati karena kerugian/kerusakan yang timbul dari setiap sebab yang tercantum dalam primary building section.

5. Uraikan apa yang dimaksud dengan unspecified items dalam personal possessions policy. (Ref : Chapter …)

Jawaban yang disarankan :
adalah harga pertanggungan akan menjadi maksimum pada satu waktu tertentu dan umumnya jumlah yang dipilih akan merupakan biaya penggantian kembali menjadi baru dengan potongan bagi wear & tear dalam hal kain atau bulu binatang.

6. Uraikan definisi permanent total disablement. (Ref : Chapter …)

Jawaban yang disarankan :
a. Gainful employment of any & every kind
b. The customer’s usual occupation and any other occupation from which they are fitted by kwoledge and training
c. The customer’s usual occpuation.

7. Uraikan 3 (tiga) opsi utama dalam pembayaran santunan private medical insurance. (Ref : Chapter …)

Jawaban yang disarankan :
a. Full Refund Basis, covering all cost incured, but often with a limit in any one year
b. Accomodation and nursing cost in full, with maximum amounts for specialist’ fees
c. Monetary limits for both accommodation and treatment fees.

8. Dalam kaitan dengan prosedur klaim, uraikan 2 (dua) opsi dalam penyelesaian klaim bangunan. (Ref : Chapter …)

Jawaban yang disarankan :
a. Indemnity
b. Replacement as new


Jawaban harus mencakup namun tidak terbatas pada butir-butir jawaban yang disarankan dibawah ini.

Bobot nilai Bagian II adalah = Total bobot bagian II dibagi 4 dikali 75 % (hanya jawaban 4 nomor pertama yang diberi bobot)

9. Dalam kaitan dengan personal accident insurance, jelaskan 4 (empat) pengelompokan utama dalam menetapkan perhitungan premi. (Ref : Chapter …)

Jawaban yang disarankan :
a. Klas 1 : No Accident/Health risk :
- Professional, administrative and clerical workers.

b. Klas 2 : Slight Accident/Health risk :
- Skilled occupation involving a moderate level of manual work this maybe further subdivided by some insurer into supervisors and employers

c. Klas 3 : Moderate Accident/Health risk

- Skilled occupations of a predominantly manual nature
- Semi skilled occupations involving a moderate level of manual work

d. Klas 4 : Appreciable/Helath risk

- Physically Strenuos work
- Semi skilled occupations of a predominantly manual nature.

10. Dalam prosedur klaim terdapat specific claims condition, jelaskan bagaimana kondisi tersebut diberlakukan pada : (Ref : Chapter …)
a. Building
b. Contents
c. Personal Possessions

Jawaban yang disarankan :
a. Building

- We will pay at our portion :
the cost of repair or
the cost of replacemenor make a cash payment based on the cost of repair or replacement. This paymen will be subject to any policy excess.
b. Contents.
- Repair. We will not pay more for the repair than it would cost to replace the item as new and this will be subject to overall policy limit.
- Where content are beyonds repair we will at our option either :
* Replace the items ; or
* Pay the cost to us of replacement of each item as new or
* Pay the value of the item at the time it was lost
- If damage item is not to be repaired we will not pay more than the estimated cost of reparing the item.

c. Personal Possesions
- For personal possesion claims where contents cover away from the home applies, the insurer will usually pay :
- The cost of replacement as new except for :
* clothing and linen, where a deduction for wear & tear will be made; or
* items that can be economically repaired (including clothing), where the cost of repaire will be paid.

11. Dalam kaitan dengan market place, distribution channels merupakan komponen penting bagi perusahaan asuransi. Jelaskan channel of distrution yang dipergunakan dalam perusahaan asuransi. (Ref : Chapter …)

Jawaban yang disarankan :
Direct, where employees of the insurer sell the insurance product; and
Indirect, where intermediaries not employed by the insurer arrange cover on the insurer’s behalf.

1. Direct Marketing Channels
Contoh : Direct mail, the internet, press advertising, televison, radio & telesales
a. Existing Customers
The intention is to enable cross selling of products by persuading customers to purchase further types of insurance cover.
b. Potentil New Customer
Information on such customers can be purchased from various sources. Including the local authorities electroral registration records.
c. Home Services Agents
Home or customer service representative are primarily involved in the sale of industrial life product.
2. Indirect Marketing Channels
a. Agen
b. Broker/Consultants

12. Subsidence merupakan salah satu bagian dalam household insurance (building). Untuk melakukan analisa atas risk exposure, seorang underwriter memerlukan laporan structural enginers dari objek yang dipertanggungkan . Jelaskan informasi-informasi yang diperlukan dalam analisa dimaksud. (Ref : Chapter …)

Jawaban yang disarankan :
b. made up ground which settles unevenly
c. the result of underground workings (e.g. coal mines)
d. the removal moisture from clay soil, typically by tree roots

The information gathered will include :
1. Year of construction
Generally, older properties have shallow foundations or none at all. However modern properties have cavity walls, which are more fragile than solid walls.
2. Whether the property been extended
This can be a reason for the movement or damage.
3. Type of soil the property is built on. In general, sands, gravels. And chalk are
relatively low risk while clays, peat and silts have. Relatively high risk subsidence.
4. Location of property. Is it situated on a slope ?
This needs to be considered with all other available information.
5. The extend of any visible damage.
6. Detail of repairs already undertaken.
7. Full information on tree types and hegde located nearby
8. History of subsidence in the neighbourhood

With this information the underwriter can make their decision. Terms offered could include an increase in premium and/or lager excess.

13. Salah satu bagian dalam personal insurance product adalah permanent health insurance. Jelaskan luas jaminan yang biasanya diterapkan dalam permanent health insurance tersebut (Ref : Chapter …)

Jawaban yang disarankan :
Polis meyediakan manfaat mingguan pada saat tertanggung mengalami kelumpuhan dari ketentuan berikut :

1. For so long as the incapacity lasts, or
2. Until they die
3. Recover

Whichever happen first.
Benefit are usually restricted to a specified percentage which can range from 50% to 75% of the customers earning capacity before they were taken ill.
This figure icludes the value of any state benefits. Benefits are provided in the event of disability caused by sickness of accedent up to an agreed age, usually 55, 60 or 65.
Generally, earnings do not cease immediately in the event of incapacity to work. As this type of insurance is intended to replace income from employment, benefit under the policy is subject to an appropriate deferred period, which may be 4, 13, 26, 52 or 104 weeks depending on the customer’s requirement. Capital sum benefitscan be included, but most policies are issued to provide a weekly benefit only. Partial disablement is not usually covered, as it would be difficult to provide an appropriate percentage of benefit which could be related to the degree of disability. Some insurers do, however, allow partial benefit for a limited period, possibly up six months, to encourage the insured to return to work, and to assist in rehabilition following a period of total diability.

14. Dalam kaitan dengan legal liabilities of a private individuals, jelaskan sources of legal liability for private individuals. (Ref : Chapter …)

Jawaban yang disarankan :
Each person has a duty to their “neighbour” to regulate their actions, the condition of their property, and the activities of their employess, so as not to cause injury or damage to others.
Failure to carry out the duty of care could render one guilty of negligence and be required to pay damages to the injured party.
There are many different circumstances in which private individuals may incur legal liabilities, including :

1. Ownership, use, and/or occupation of private housing
2. Employment of domestic servants or casual labour
3. Personal liability e.q. careless use of an umbrella
4. Ownership or control of pet animals
5. Ownership or use of motor cars/cycles
6. Sporting activities e.q. golf, skiing, sailing
7. Other leisure activities e.q cycling, camping, etc.

When the claims advisor is ascertaining if the customer has a valid claim, they will have to asses all the facts to identify whether a legal liability exists which is covered under the terms and conditions of the policy.

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